Choose the best method to remove unibrow

by admin


May 21, 2013

Choose the best method to remove unibrow. Unibrow is a problem that some women have to try to solve. Unibrow would affect the beauty image of women seriously; even the women’s self-esteem would be lowered because of this problem. Actually, there are many men who also want to remove unibrow. There are various products and methods for you to choose for the unibrow removal. We would like to suggest you the three methods: shaving, waxing and electrolysis.

Shaving: shaving is always the first to come to your head when it refers to hair removal. It is still the most common and popular method because its use is easy and convenient. You can do it with a razor; however, the lasting result of shaving is the shortest among three methods. Shaving with razor can only cut off the hair from the middle of hair and would never from the root of hair follicle. It just takes two or three days for the hair to grow back, so you have to shave your hair two or three times every week. When the unibrow grows back, it may become thicker than before with shaving method. Some women do not like this method since its result it too short.

Choose the best method to remove unibrowWaxing

Waxing: waxing is a method which is different from shaving. Waxing can pull the hair from the hair follicle root, so it delivers much longer unibrow removal result. Generally, it takes about three to six weeks for the hair grows back. The use wax is also as easy as shaving since you can wax your eyebrow at home yourself. There are several types of waxed based products. You can choose the professional eyebrow waxing strips which you can put it on your eyebrow directly. The ready-made version waxing strips easy to use. However, with this method, you have to note the waxing paper shape and do not wax too much hair in one go. Waxing based products are not expensive and you can do it every two or three weeks, so many women prefer it over shaving. However, waxing do deliver much more pain than shaving.

Choose the best method to remove unibrow-2Electrolysis

Electrolysis: Electrolysis is different from shaving and waxing since it is has won the approval of FDA for its permanent hair removal method. If you want your unwanted unibrow removed permanently, you can try this method. Electrolysis treatment has to be done in the professional clinic or salon. The beautician must be qualified expert and equipped with license. In the electrolysis process, you have to stand great pain since each of your hair would be treated with a thin needle which directs the electric current into hair follicle. The hair follicle would be damaged by the electric current through needle and the hair would not grow back. However, several treatment sessions are necessary to achieve the purpose of permanent hair removal result. The cons of this method are its high cost. You have to prepare a great number of money for overall electrolysis treatment to remove all your unibrow hair.

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